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    • Active & Green

The marmots of Chiareggio - Mountain class

A short trek aimed at learning how to recognize the tracks of the animals that live in the Alps, focusing in particular on the life of marmots and their gregarious behaviour.
It is recommened to combine the trek with another activity, such as orienteering.
Marmots live in alpine pastures, at altitudes between 2000 and 3000 mt. These animals lead an extremely active life in spring and summer, when they gorge on nutrients in order to prepare for hibernation, which can last up to 7 months. In Chiareggio the kids will be able to get close to these curious animals and discover their habits.

What's included
Assistance of expert guides

half day (can be combined with other activities)

6 - 11 yrs

April, May, June, September

On the same topic