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Rural settlement of Scilironi

Scilironi can be considered a rational production unit linked to the land.

Like other inhabited areas of Valtellina, the "town district" of Scilironi is characterized by a cluster of houses, built one next to the other, which gives the inhabitants of the small town feelings of security, defense and mutual help. More than a collection of dwellings, we can even speak of a single large house for more families of shepherds, peasants and artisans with rooms, ovens, stables and barns used in common. Scilironi can be considered a rational production unit linked to the land.
The district is clustered along the maximum slope of the mountain, just above Mallero stream, with very close, small and all dry-built with large irregular boulders dwellings.
Balconate, common covered spaces, passages, lanes, everything suggests a strong sense of community and openness to relations with neighbors. The buildings can reach three floors in height with rooms connected by stairs and external wooden balconies. The latter often appears as a lattice to dry agricultural products. Much of the upper spaces under the roof was dedicated to the function of dryers for forage, but also for chestnuts.
Until 1800, Scilironi continued to expand, while in recent years it has been almost entirely abandoned. This district, without its own church or cemetery, has always been inhabited from its origins by the Scilironi family. At the end of the XVIII century the district was inhabited by about thirty people with the surname Scilironi, subdivided into a dozen families, not directly related.
The cultivated fields are distributed in a ring around the village and they too are all owned by the homonymous families. Rooms, fireplaces, stables and barns of each family are often located in different buildings. More than a set of houses, in this case we can speak of a single large house for several families. A path crosses the district with fairly long stretches covered. There were three ovens used in turn according to need.
In winter the floodlighting around the roofs and windows of the houses makes Scilironi look like a real Nativity scene. It is easily seen along the Sondrio-Chiesa in Valmalenco provincial road.


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